We offer our own consultants as contract or contract-to-hire resources for your company. Consultants are Craftlogic employees and your company pays Craftlogic an hourly rate for the consultant. We have both contract and contract-to-hire employees at competitive rates. Contract-to-hire is a very good option to direct hiring of employees. A 6-month contract-to-hire, for example, can actually save you money in the first year versus a direct hire. You save on employment taxes, benefits, vacation time, and other employee expenses during the first 6 months while you evaluate the consultant for possible full-time employment.
Team Building
People are not interchangeable but are pieces of the puzzle needed to complete the project.
Team Building is a concept we use for a number of our clients. If you need to build a team which may consist of software engineers, project and software managers, QA engineers, and maybe even network engineers, then Craftlogic can help you decide what skills each of these individuals need. If you’re developing a web-based solution in .NET and C# and you believe you need 5 people, then chances are you’ll need Web-UI developers, system developers, and database developers. At first you may just want to find 5 people with all the needed skills to work anywhere on the project. However, that’s not the best route. We will help you identify each position and the skills needed for each position and then locate specific individuals that fit those positions. Why? A good Web-UI developer tends to specialize in Web-UI and is not as good at back-end systems development as is a person that specializes in that skill. That’s just the way it is in software projects. In this case, you’ll likely need 2 Web-UI people, 2 systems/back-end people, and a good database developer.
These people aren’t interchangeable but are pieces of the puzzle needed to complete the project. Team Building can be accomplished using Craftlogic employees as your consultants or as direct hires by you in a staffing scenario.
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